Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why do women wear socks over pantyhose with sneakers on the way to work?

Obliviously I understand the cross trainers, I'm sure there way more comfortable than heels.
But why the socks?
Why not just put on the shoes, nobody wears socks with heels why with the sneakers?

Here is the myth:

The socks provide extra cushioning to make the shoes fit better and more comfortably. They also help keep the pantyhose from getting "runs" - a lot of sneakers would rub through in the back and ruin the stocking if worn alone with them. They at least wear anklet socks, no knee socks, so it doesn't look so odd.

Most women who do this change into heels at the office, so it's not like they're wearing the socks/sneakers all day.

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